Vital Guidelines PLUS How To Tell Them Apart
For these conditions, the pattern is the key. Here's how to tell them apart:
Evening symptoms, urge to move legs when lying, and involuntary movements without cramping? Think Restless Leg Syndrome
Evening symptoms, painful muscle contractions, relieved by forceful stretching? Think Nocturnal Muscle Cramps
After walking a predictable distance, and resolves with rest? Think Vascular Claudication
Management Tip: Exercise is a proven treatment for this, but be sure to recommend a supervised exercise program (even if this isn't available in your community, it's still important to mention on the exam.)
Daytime symptoms, tingling/shock-like pain? Think Peripheral Neuropathy
Weakness, proximal muscle pain? Think Myopathy (ask about statin use)
No tightening or pain, but difficulty with sleeping and positive polysomnography? Think Periodic Limb Movement Disorder, a diagnosis of exclusion
Next Study Steps: Make sure you can distinguish these and come up with a plan for examination, investigation, and name at least 2 treatments for each!
At The Review Course you will receive The Review Course Exam Study System which will help you turn each one of these into several possible SAMP questions or SOO management steps.Â
Further Reading and Sources: