CCFP Exam - Study Resources
How do I study for the CCFP exam?
There are many resources out there to help you prepare for the CCFP exam.
From the feedback we receive from our attendees, most recommend preparing early on in your residency.
The Review Course teaches you what to focus on, highlights the important Canadian guidelines, helps you with easy-to-remember pearls, and give you strategies and tools to prepare for the exam.
Although taking The Review Course does not replace studying - you will of course need to spend time preparing for the exam on your own - our attendees tell us that we provide them with a "road map" for their studying and a "checklist to make sure I've covered everything."
Some attendees recommend taking The Review Course as early as possible to help guide their studying. Others prefer to have it as a sort of final review of all 105 topics prior to the exam. It all depends on your study style.
Whatever you choose, we recommend starting the studying process early, studying with others and using a mix of resources. Check out the list below for the top resources.

What are the top-rated CCFP exam prep resources?
In 2023, we completed a nationwide survey of nearly 200 residents and practice-eligible candidates to find out what they recommend as the best CCFP exam prep resources.
Here's what they recommended.
Inclusion here does not imply our endorsement.
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Top In-Person Events

Every residency program has a different academic curriculum.

Top Books & Resources

Top Audio Resources

Top Web-based Resources
Official CCFP Resources
The CCFP's resources are rated above as a whole. Here are the individual items available.
Other Resources
The following additional resources were not available at the time of the environmental scan or were not within the inclusion period for the research, so a rating could not be generated during the research period. They are included here for your convenience.