NACI has released their 2020-2021 Canadian Guideline for influenza vaccination. Here are the highlights from the 68-page document:
IT’S BACK FOR 2020-21: Intranasal Vaccine
Though this has been used in the past, the LAIV (Live Attenuated Intranasal Vaccine) wasn’t readily available last year. This year, it will be available for:
Children 2-17 years old
Adults 18-59 years old
Because it’s a live vaccine, the vaccine recipient should not be near an immunocompromised person for 2 weeks following the vaccine administration.
CONTRAINDICATED - Do NOT give the LAIV to adults with HIV (though it can be considered in some children with stable HIV). See more contraindications below.
Offer Immunization As soon as possible (Season starts in October in Northern Hemisphere) to:
At risk individuals who have not been vaccinated even AFTER influenza activity is documented in the community;
All over 6 months old, and household contacts and care providers of those under 6 months old; and
Pregnant women
High-risk patients
- Healthcare Workers & other care providers in facilities and community settings
- Indigenous peoples
- Direct contact with poultry during culling operations - Comorbidities: Cardiac/Pulmonary, cystic fibrosis, asthma, DM, renal disease, seizure disorders, mobird obesity (BMI >40)
- Nursing home & chronic care facilities
- Children 6-59 months of age & adults >65
First Time Vaccination?
Children 6 months to less than 9 years receiving FIRST TIME influenza vaccination should be given TWO doses, with at LEAST FOUR weeks between doses.
Where should the intramuscular injection be given?
6-12 months - Anterolateral Thigh
Toddlers/Older children - Anterolateral Thigh/Deltoid
Adolescents/Adults - Deltoid
Egg Allergy
Not a contraindication to vaccination
LAIV (Nasal) Contraindications
Severe asthma
Medically attended wheezing 7 days prior
Children <24 months
2–17 years old & receiving aspirin NOTE: DELAY aspirin-containing products for FOUR weeks in those <18 years old
Pregnant women
Anti-influenza antiviral drug in previous 48hrs